How to Demist Your Car Windows Fast

How to Demist Your Car Windows Fast

A common winter driving problem is the fogging up of the windscreen. Nothing is more frustrating than when you are ready to drive to work or run errands and the windscreen is fogged up and won’t clear. Windscreen misting is an annoying problem, but not to worry. There are ways to alleviate this problem fast. Follow these tips on how to demist your car windows quickly.

Windows fog up due to condensation. This condensation occurs when warm, moist air comes in contact with cool, dry air. Even the driver’s breath can add to the moisture and heat of air inside the vehicle. The body heat from drivers and passengers adds to the condensation problem by raising the air temperature in the car which increases the amount of moisture the air holds. Removing the moisture from the air eliminates the condensation problem.

The first step is to turn on your heater. Some sources recommend starting the temperature low and gradually increasing the heat setting. The important point is to direct the air to the windscreen and windows as much as possible during the demisting process. The heater helps to dry the air and window surfaces.

It’s cold outside. Temperatures may be near freezing. You may feel the next step is crazy, but step two of the demisting process is to turn on the air conditioner. The air conditioner helps to dry out the air inside the car which reduces the condensation on the windscreen.

Turn off air recirculation. Air entering the car from outside contains less water vapour, so it will help reduce the overall moisture in the air inside the car. Opening a window is another way to introduce drier air inside the car.

If the car has a car demisting climate control setting, using this feature helps speed up the demisting process. The demisting setting is a nice feature to have, but the heater and air conditioner combination work very well.

A fogged-up windscreen can be a major inconvenience when trying to be able to get to your destination as quickly as possible. Some drivers yield to the temptation to drive while the windows are still fogged up. This is dangerous and can lead to a costly fine if the driver is stopped by police.

Combat frequent fogging episodes by taking measures to prevent the condensation. Portable dehumidifier containers can pull moisture from the air before it collects on the windows. A similar alternative is to fill an old sock with clean cat litter and tie the sock closed. Place the sock in the car to help remove moisture from the air.

Another way to reduce condensation is to apply an anti-fogging solution to the inside of the windscreen and windows. Anti-fogging sprays can be found in stores that sell automotive products. Be sure to follow the directions and safety guidelines for applying the anti-fog solution.

Some drivers like to keep an anti-fog shammy in the glove compartment for wiping the inside of the windows while demisting the car. This helps dry out the air by removing the moisture that has collected on the glass.

For safety reasons, be sure to wait until the windscreen is thoroughly cleared before driving. It may be tempting to start the demisting process and leave the car to attend to other things. Leaving the car running can lead to theft. These demisting steps should help reduce the time needed to clear the windows, so drivers do not need to be inconvenienced by long delays.

